Monday, August 12, 2013

The Boys are Alright…I think. 2011 Men’s Street Style, the good, the great and the questionable.

Typically, it seems most men just don’t care about style as much as women. There are however some men who do care, and some of them happen to be in the Street Fashion flirkr group. Unfortunately, some need a little more help than others. I picked a range of men with very different taste in style, being as unbiased as possible. Some are stylish, some are fairly normally dressed and others are pushing style to the edge, or taking it back in time. Men with daring style are few and far between so although you may not like their style, I have to appreciate their riskiness in a world where men’s are constantly expected to be exactly as they are portrayed in films, media and long standing social standards.. and you thought only women had to live up to these standards? Some things are actually harder for men than women, like being daring in fashion. Props. That’s all I can say.

The Wrong Century

By stockholm ……pushe


By onlynicolette

Moda En Escaparate

By maycrisgalru


By minajah

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